Friday 11 May 2012

Nondestructive Weld Examination

The ABC's of Nondestructive Weld ExaminationReprinted courtesy of Welding Journal magazine

An understanding of the benefits and drawbacks of each form of nondestructive examination can help you choose the best method for your application.

The philosophy that often guides the fabrication of welded assemblies and structures is "to assure weld quality." However, the term "weld quality" is relative. The application determines what is good or bad. Generally, any weld is of good quality if it meets appearance requirements and will continue indefinitely to do the job for which it is intended. The first step in assuring weld quality is to determine the degree required by the application. A standard should be established based on the service requirements.
Standards designed to impart weld quality may differ from job to job, but the use of appropriate weld techniques can provide assurance that the applicable standards are being met. Whatever the standard of quality, all welds should be inspected, even if the inspection involves nothing more than the welder looking after his own work after each weld pass. A good-looking weld surface appearance is many times considered indicative of high weld quality. However, surface appearance alone does not assure good workmanship or internal quality.
Nondestructive examination (NDE) methods of inspection make it possible to verify compliance to the standards on an ongoing basis by examining the surface and subsurface of the weld and surrounding base material. Five basic methods are commonly used to examine finished welds: visual, liquid penetrant, magnetic particle, ultra-sonic and radiographic (X-ray). The growing use of computerization with some methods provides added image enhancement, and allows real-time or near real-time viewing, comparative inspections and archival capabilities. A review of each method will help in deciding which process or combination of processes to use for a specific job and in performing the examination most effectively.

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