Friday 11 May 2012

Choices Control Quality

A good NDE inspection program must recognize the inherent limitations of each process. For example, both radiography and ultrasound have distinct orientation factors that may guide the choice of which process to use for a particular job. Their strengths and weaknesses tend to compliment each other. While radiography is unable to reliably detect lamination-like defects, ultrasound is much better at it. On the other hand, ultrasound is poorly suited to detecting scattered porosity, while radiography is very good.
Whatever inspection techniques are used, paying attention to the "Five P's" of weld quality will help reduce subsequent inspection to a routine checking activity. Then, the proper use of NDE methods will serve as a check to keep variables in line and weld quality within standards.

The Five P's are:
1. Process Selection - the process must be right for the job.
2. Preparation - the joint configuration must be right and compatible with the welding process.
3. Procedures - the procedures must be spelled out in detail and followed religiously during welding.
4. Pretesting - full-scale mockups or simulated specimens should be used to prove that the process and procedures give the desired standard of quality.
5. Personnel - qualified people must be assigned to the job.

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