Wednesday 11 April 2012

Weld Metal Cost Worksheet Instructions

To help you quantify your specific cost of weld metal deposited, ESAB has developed the weld metal cost worksheet. Directions will assist you in calculating your specific cost to deposit weld metal while comparing it to alternative methods or product. 1.   Indicate the complete descriptions of the proposed and present products at (1) and (2). 2.   Secure the following information for the formulas 
(3), and write the data in the proper blanks in the proposed method and present method columns 
A.  Labor and Overhead Actual labor and overhead rate of your customer. If this figure is unknown, select a reasonable rate for your area. This figure will be the same in the proposed and present method columns. B.  Deposition Rate in Pounds Per Hour The deposition rate is the actual weight of weld metal which can be deposited in one hour at a given welding current at 100% operating factor. In other words, it is the amount of weld metal which could be deposited in one hour if the welder could weld for a full hour without stopping. C.  Operating Factor Operating factor is the percentage of a welder’s working day that is actually spent welding. It is the arc time divided by the total hours worked multiplied by 100 and expressed as a percentage. A 30% (.30) operating factor means that only 30% of the welder’s day is actually spent welding. If the customer’s operating factor is not known, assume a 30% operating factor for SMAW, and a 45% operating factor for semi-automatic GMAW and FCAW. For automatic GMAW and FCAW, an operating factor of 60% to 80% may be assumed.  
D.  Electrode Cost Per Pound Select the quantity price bracket in which the customer now purchases his filler metal. If unknown, select the price bracket you think applicable and use for both the present and proposed calculations.

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