Wednesday 11 April 2012


Spot Witness (SW)
Spot witness inspection is a point during construction activities where measurement, witnessing of work or inspection normally takes places. Formal written notification is not required, although oral or informal memo will normally be given. If the discipline inspector does not inspect the work at this point, the work may continue. However inspection data must be recorded, and the CONTRACTOR / Subcontractor is fully responsible to ensure that this is done before continuing the next work step.
Witness Point (W)
A witness point is a point in a construction activity where inspection must take place.  ONTRACTOR/COMPANY QC Group shall be formally notified in writing of the inspection  24 hours in advance notice is for most accurate schedule) and will normally attend the inspection. Nevertheless, CONTRACTOR needs to include schedule of inspections in weekly meetings. On a case by case basis, the inspection witnessing may be waived. In this case, inspection may proceed without attendance. However, inspection data must be recorded and submitted for review and approval. All waivers will be given in writing prior to inspection execution (jointly approved by CONTRACTOR and COMPANY).
Hold Point (H)
A Hold Point is a point in a construction activity where formal written notification is given of an inspection (24 hours in advance notice is for most accurate schedule) and work shall not proceed until the inspection is performed. Nevertheless, CONTRACTOR needs to include schedule of inspections in weekly meetings. Mandatory attendance is required.
Approval (A)
A document or drawing, which is to be submitted for approval prior to proceed the activity.
Review and Comment ( R )
A document or drawing, which is to be submitted for review/ comments.
Verification (D)
A document or drawing, which shall be submitted to COMPANY/CONTRACTOR for report/ comments.

Quality Control and Inspection by CONTRACTOR
For the items marked with “ SW “ and “ W “ under column “CONTRACTOR”, the quality control and inspection will be conducted by CONTRACTOR at their own responsibility. However, COMPANY shall have the right to inspect any works done by CONTRACTOR or Vendor at any time (except for “ W ”, a written notification from CONTRACTOR is required).
Inspection Hold Point
For item marked with “ H “ under column of COMPANY and CONTRACTOR, CONTRACTOR shall notify COMPANY in writing of the inspection scheduled date and time. Witnessing shall be jointly performed by CONTRACTOR and COMPANY. CONTRACTOR can not proceed the next work step activity until the inspection and measurement or test has been witnessed and approved by all attending parties.
Notification of Inspection
CONTRACTOR shall give a written notification to COMPANY for attending the inspection/testing.
Document Approval
For item marked with “ A “ under column “COMPANY”, CONTRACTOR shall submit documents, drawing, etc. to COMPANY. For item marked with “ A “ under column “CONTRACTOR”, Vendor shall submit documents, drawing, etc. to CONTRACTOR for approval. Inspection shall not be conducted before COMPANY approves the required documents.
Document Review
For item marked with “ R “ under column “COMPANY”, CONTRACTOR will submit documents, drawing, etc. to COMPANY for review / comment. For item marked with “ R “ under column “CONTRACTOR”, Vendor shall submit documents, drawing, etc. to CONTRACTOR for review / comment.
Document Verification
For item marked with “ D “ under column “COMPANY”, CONTRACTOR shall submit documents, drawing, etc. to COMPANY for a report and/ or comments (if required). CONTRACTOR shall accommodate COMPANY’s comments (if any). For item marked with “ D “ under column “CONTRACTOR”, Vendor shall submit documents, drawing, etc. to CONTRACTOR for verification and review and or report.

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