Monday 16 April 2012

Welding Positions For Fillet welds:-


Straight polarity = Electrode -ve
Reverse polarity = Electrode +ve

SAMPLE: AWS B2.1 SMAW 6G Pipe Welding Procedure Specifications

  •  Welding Process. SMAW
  •  Position. 6G Fixed Position
  •  Weld Progression. Up
  •  Backing. No
  •  Current/Polarity. DCEP
  •  Root Opening. 1/16 to 1/8
  •  Grove Angel. 60 degrees
  •  Material/Spec. A 106
  •  Thickness. (pipe/tube): Groove (in) .280
  •  Notes. Sch. 40 Pipe
  •  Filler Metal Class . E6010Rt/E7018Fl
  •  Other Filler Metal Class. Rt 1/8, 3/32 Filler

Pipe Welding Certification Positions

  • 1G is for a pipe in the horizontal position that is rolled.
  • 2G is for a pipe in the fixed vertical position.
  • 5G is for a pipe in the fixed horizontal position.
  • 6G is for a pipe in a 45 degree fixed position.
  • 6GR is for the restricted position.
  • F is for a fillet weld.
  • G is for a grove weld.
  • Welding Positions For Groove welds:

  • 1G is for the flat position.
  • 2G is for the horizontal position.
  • 3G is for the vertical position.
  • 4G is for the overhead position.
  • 5G is for the fixed horizontal
  • 6G is for the pipe fixed at 45degree upward/downward

  • F is for a fillet weld.
  • G is for a grove weld.
  • Wednesday 11 April 2012


    SMAW -   Shielded Metal Arc Welding 
    GMAW -   Gas Metal Arc Welding 
    SAW -   Submerged Arc Welding  
    FCAW  -   Flux Cored Arc Welding 
    MCAW -   Metal Cored Arc Welding
     TIG    -   Tungsten arc welding
    MIG     - Metal inert gas welding

    Inspection & Test Plan (ITP)

    ITP is the minimum requirement of the activities for quality control and inspection of the field construction work. This Inspection and Testing Plan outline the extent of witness inspection and its reporting.

    Should conflicts exist between this specification and other documents, the following order of precedence shall govern:
    1. Scope of Work
    2. Data Sheets
    3. This Specification
    4. Other Company Specification
    5. Other Referenced Publications
    6. Approved for Construction Drawings
    7. Vendor’s Code

    1. CONTRACTOR and/or its Vendor/Subcontractors shall prepare and execute all inspection and test. They shall conform to the above mentioned codes, standards, and project specifications.
    2. CONTRACTOR and/or its Vendor/Subcontractors shall provide all inspection equipment for inspection activitie s. These activities are to assure themselves that adequate inspection personnel and back up equipment are in place in order to expedite their activities speedily so as not to impact on the construction schedule.
    3. CONTRACTOR and/or its Vendor/Subcontractors shall prepare check sheets and inspection reports for carrying out the required quality control checks according to particular discipline work activities. All inspection and test reports forms shall be specific to the activity and items inspected.
    4. CONTRACTOR shall also prepare a detailed inspection and test plan indicating inspection levels (spot witness, witness, hold point, etc), based on COMPANY definitions herein. The test inspection plan shall include witness/attendance requirements by COMPANY/MIGAS and/or THIRD PARTY.
    5. Vendor or Subcontractor shall submit their inspection and test plan based on the CONTRACTOR’s inspection and test plan document for CONTRACTOR/COMPANY review and approval.
    6.  CONTRACTOR shall generate, maintain, documented, and collate the inspection records, which is done by them or by its Vendor/Subcontractors. The system employed shall insure full tractability of records including back up in accordance to COMPANY requirements. CONTRACTOR shall submit the originals of all inspection data and other related documents to COMPANY, as required by the contract terms.
    7. CONTRACTOR and its Third Party shall establish the inspection and test which are required for obtaining the SKPP (Sertifikat Kelayakan Penggunaan Peralatan) or Certificate of Worthiness to Utilize Equipment and SKPI (Sertifikat Kelayakan Penggunaan Instalasi) or Certificate of Worthiness to Utilize the Installation.


    Spot Witness (SW)
    Spot witness inspection is a point during construction activities where measurement, witnessing of work or inspection normally takes places. Formal written notification is not required, although oral or informal memo will normally be given. If the discipline inspector does not inspect the work at this point, the work may continue. However inspection data must be recorded, and the CONTRACTOR / Subcontractor is fully responsible to ensure that this is done before continuing the next work step.
    Witness Point (W)
    A witness point is a point in a construction activity where inspection must take place.  ONTRACTOR/COMPANY QC Group shall be formally notified in writing of the inspection  24 hours in advance notice is for most accurate schedule) and will normally attend the inspection. Nevertheless, CONTRACTOR needs to include schedule of inspections in weekly meetings. On a case by case basis, the inspection witnessing may be waived. In this case, inspection may proceed without attendance. However, inspection data must be recorded and submitted for review and approval. All waivers will be given in writing prior to inspection execution (jointly approved by CONTRACTOR and COMPANY).
    Hold Point (H)
    A Hold Point is a point in a construction activity where formal written notification is given of an inspection (24 hours in advance notice is for most accurate schedule) and work shall not proceed until the inspection is performed. Nevertheless, CONTRACTOR needs to include schedule of inspections in weekly meetings. Mandatory attendance is required.
    Approval (A)
    A document or drawing, which is to be submitted for approval prior to proceed the activity.
    Review and Comment ( R )
    A document or drawing, which is to be submitted for review/ comments.
    Verification (D)
    A document or drawing, which shall be submitted to COMPANY/CONTRACTOR for report/ comments.

    Quality Control and Inspection by CONTRACTOR
    For the items marked with “ SW “ and “ W “ under column “CONTRACTOR”, the quality control and inspection will be conducted by CONTRACTOR at their own responsibility. However, COMPANY shall have the right to inspect any works done by CONTRACTOR or Vendor at any time (except for “ W ”, a written notification from CONTRACTOR is required).
    Inspection Hold Point
    For item marked with “ H “ under column of COMPANY and CONTRACTOR, CONTRACTOR shall notify COMPANY in writing of the inspection scheduled date and time. Witnessing shall be jointly performed by CONTRACTOR and COMPANY. CONTRACTOR can not proceed the next work step activity until the inspection and measurement or test has been witnessed and approved by all attending parties.
    Notification of Inspection
    CONTRACTOR shall give a written notification to COMPANY for attending the inspection/testing.
    Document Approval
    For item marked with “ A “ under column “COMPANY”, CONTRACTOR shall submit documents, drawing, etc. to COMPANY. For item marked with “ A “ under column “CONTRACTOR”, Vendor shall submit documents, drawing, etc. to CONTRACTOR for approval. Inspection shall not be conducted before COMPANY approves the required documents.
    Document Review
    For item marked with “ R “ under column “COMPANY”, CONTRACTOR will submit documents, drawing, etc. to COMPANY for review / comment. For item marked with “ R “ under column “CONTRACTOR”, Vendor shall submit documents, drawing, etc. to CONTRACTOR for review / comment.
    Document Verification
    For item marked with “ D “ under column “COMPANY”, CONTRACTOR shall submit documents, drawing, etc. to COMPANY for a report and/ or comments (if required). CONTRACTOR shall accommodate COMPANY’s comments (if any). For item marked with “ D “ under column “CONTRACTOR”, Vendor shall submit documents, drawing, etc. to CONTRACTOR for verification and review and or report.

    Weld Metal Cost Worksheet Instructions

    To help you quantify your specific cost of weld metal deposited, ESAB has developed the weld metal cost worksheet. Directions will assist you in calculating your specific cost to deposit weld metal while comparing it to alternative methods or product. 1.   Indicate the complete descriptions of the proposed and present products at (1) and (2). 2.   Secure the following information for the formulas 
    (3), and write the data in the proper blanks in the proposed method and present method columns 
    A.  Labor and Overhead Actual labor and overhead rate of your customer. If this figure is unknown, select a reasonable rate for your area. This figure will be the same in the proposed and present method columns. B.  Deposition Rate in Pounds Per Hour The deposition rate is the actual weight of weld metal which can be deposited in one hour at a given welding current at 100% operating factor. In other words, it is the amount of weld metal which could be deposited in one hour if the welder could weld for a full hour without stopping. C.  Operating Factor Operating factor is the percentage of a welder’s working day that is actually spent welding. It is the arc time divided by the total hours worked multiplied by 100 and expressed as a percentage. A 30% (.30) operating factor means that only 30% of the welder’s day is actually spent welding. If the customer’s operating factor is not known, assume a 30% operating factor for SMAW, and a 45% operating factor for semi-automatic GMAW and FCAW. For automatic GMAW and FCAW, an operating factor of 60% to 80% may be assumed.  
    D.  Electrode Cost Per Pound Select the quantity price bracket in which the customer now purchases his filler metal. If unknown, select the price bracket you think applicable and use for both the present and proposed calculations.

    Peaking procedure

    Peaking procedure:
    1. Prepare a horizontal weep board 900 mm long. The sweep board shall made to the nominal radius of the tank.
    2. Take a sample of vertical joint at least 4 point.
    3. Measure the deviations using a taper gauge.
    4. Deviations at vertical weld joint shall not exceed 13 mm
    Banding procedure:
    1. Prepare a a straight edge vertical sweep board 900 mm.
    2. Take a sample of horizontal joint at least 4 point.
    3. Measure the deviations using a taper gauge.
    4. Deviations at vertical weld joint shall not exceed 13 mm

    Duties of a welding inspector

    ensure that all operations are carried out in complete compliance with local, company, or national safety legislation (i.e. permits to work are in place)
    Check specification (Year and revisions)
    Check Drawing (correct revision)
    Check welding procedure specification and welder approval
    Validate certificate of calibration (welding equipment & inspection instrument)
    Check material and consumable certification
    Welding process and ancillaries:
    Check welding equipment and all related ancillaries (cable, regulator, oven, quiver etc).
    Incoming Consumables:
    Check pipe / plate and welding consumable for size, condition, specification & storage.
    Marking out preparation & set up:
    Check the:
    Correct method of cutting weld preparation (pre-heat for thermal cutting if applicable).
    Correct preparation (Relevant bevel angles, root face, root gap, root radius, land etc.)
    Check pre-welding distortion control (Tackling, bridging, jigs, line up clamp, etc)
    Correct level & method of pre heat applied prior to tack welding.
    All tack welding to be monitored and inspected.
    Whether conditions (Mainly for site work, welding is generally halted when inclement)
    Pre-heat values (Heating method, location and control method)
    In-process distortion control (Sequence or balanced welding)
    Consumable control (Specification, size, condition, and any special treatments)
    Welding process and all related variable parameter (Voltage, ampere, travel speed, etc)
    Welding and/or purging gasses (Type, pressure/flow and control method)
    Welding conditions for root run / hot pass and all subsequent run, and inter-run cleaning.
    Minimum and/or maximum inter-pass temperatures (Temperature and control method)
    Check Compliance with all other variables stated on the approved welding procedure

    Carry out visual inspection of the welded joint (Including dimensional aspect)
    Check and monitor NDT requirement (Method, qualification of operator, execution)
    Identify repairs from assessment of visual or NDT reports.
    Post Weld Heat Treatment (PWHT) (Heating method and temperature recording system)
    Re-inspect with NDT/NDE after PWHT (if applicable)
    Hydrostatic test procedure

    Excavation procedure (Approval and execution)
    Approval of the NDT procedures (For assessment of complete defect removal)
    Repair procedure (approval of re-welding procedures and welder approval)
    Execution of approved re-welding procedure (Compliance with repair procedure)
    Re-inspect the repair area with visual inspection and approved NDT method

    Calculating Filler Metal Consumption

    The number of pounds of welding electrodes or welding wire necessary to complete a given weld joint may be calculated by the formula:  
    P  = WL/ E  
     P    =    Pounds of electrode or wire required  
    W  =    Weight per foot of weld metal  
    L =    Length of weld (feet)  
    E    =    Deposition efficiency Weight Per Foot of Weld Metal  

    Calculating the weight of weld metal requires that we consider the following items. 1.   Area of the cross-section of the weld.  
    2.   Length of the weld.  
    3.   Volume of the weld in cubic inches.  
    4.   Weight of the weld metal per cubic inch.

    Electrode Selection

    Electrode Selection  
    The following points should be considered when selecting the proper coated electrode.  

    1. Match the mechanical properties of the base metal.  
    2. Match the chemical composition of the base metal as closely as possible.  
    3. Match electrode to available power supply — AC or DCEN (electrode negative) or DCEP (electrode positive).  
    4. Match the electrode to the position of the weld.  
    5.Observe joint design — Use deep penetrating electrodes for tight fit-up and unbeveled joints. Use light penetration electrodes for poor fit-up and thin material.
    6.Observe service conditions and select electrode accordingly — High temperature, low temperature, corrosive atmosphere, impact loading. These conditions are best met by using low  hydrogen electrodes.  
    7.Consider  welding costs — Highest deposition rate is in the flat position. Use high iron power electrodes to further increase deposition. By far,  the largest factor is labor and overhead.